Chrysler PCM Repairs

We repair a wide variety of faulty Chrysler PCM/ECM/ECUs for a variety of makes and models.  Click your make below to see the failures we service. If you do not see your particular vehicle listed, please call us at 800-547-2049 to discuss a quote for your module.

With thousands of 5-star reviews, we are a trusted and reliable provider of fast and affordable repairs.

  • 2011 Chrysler Town & Country 3.6L PCM Repair

    2011 Chrysler Town and Country 3.6L PCM Repair

    This repair service is for a 2011 Chrysler Town & Country PCM (Powertrain Control Module) with a 3.6L engine. Our repair is designed to address coil failures or misfires, the alternator not charging the battery, and ignition...
